ok...i think this has potential
Let us start with the good...
I liked the melody a lot, it was very infectious and that's probably the most important thing.
Lets move on to what I didn't like...
The bass-its boring, just the same dubby sounding bass over and over again, and if your going for hardstyle you may want to use a more darker, aggressive bass. If you are using FL consider using the multiband compresser and adjusting the low and mid gain to get a more distorted sound.
The drums-well its only a kick...where is the snare and cymbals...use blast beats in hardstyle to get a really hard beat. What I mean by that is use a simple 4 on the floor beat and make the kick, snare, and open high hat hit all at the same time. I would also recommend using a less punchy kick and a more clubby or trance sounding kick. A nice deep, slightly distorted kick.
At 1:43ish the melody and rhythm and bass accompanying it are not in the same key and it leads to a very unpleasant sound. To dissonant compared to the rest of the song. Try to keep it in the same key.
Oh and while I do like the melody, it repeats a lot! Either shorten the song or diversify it.
One question, are you using an FL studio demo. If so why not "sample" the real version. It's very easy to acquire *cough* isohunt.com *cough*
I used to only use the demo of FL and it was very frustrating to not be able to save songs so that I could continue working on them later.
Anyway, take what I said into account if you care too and I think you may come out with a really nice song.
Hope this helps.